Saturday 28 April 2018


Oh memes! The best thing on Internet before Porn. Memes are funny, happy and are important. You know it? If not, I'll tell you the history of memes!! Everything starts at 1879.

Once upon a time a drunk hick was sitting under a tree, when suddenly a great and promising ideia came in his head: "WOW! Let me take a picture of me and write a subtitle below the photo!" And that's what he did. He take a picture of himself and wrote a subtitle below the photograph. And the subtitle was: *Half-drunk*. He didn't care about that shit but that photo was the first MEME of all history. Let's see more...

In the Second World War, the legend says that Adolf Hitler died after to feel short of breath while laughing at a meme. Actually, the researchers of Clowniversity proved the legend. The meme:

yep. Memes are very important for World History. U can't leave Memes die. For the good of the world, just share a fucking meme.

Moral of the History: Don't be a hick with a camera on hands. 


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